Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Ok, so I'm greedy. Today I'm weighed in and am at a total of 29 pounds lost (in two months)! I was quite keen to get to that coveted 30-pound mark today, but it will come soon enough. But I'm greedy! I want more! I want it now! Basically, I believe we're all 3-year-old inside in some way or another...and here's where I'm opting to manifest mine :)

Seriously though, I've lost 5 pounds since my fill on 10/15 - basically that's 2.5/lbs./week - well within target! And to be honest, I'm not nearly as focused as I was in the past, so I'm sure it could be going faster - but really, I ought to be happy that I'm clicking along with minimal effort (which is the whole point of the band, actually!). Still getting to the gym, still enjoying it, and having moved back into my house, I am back to menu planning/shopping/cooking in a good healthy way for myself. On target! Onward...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Hennifero, GO!