Thursday, March 13, 2008

Eating When Sick

After being sick since Monday, I finally thought a trip to the doctor was in order. Based on my symptoms, he called it out as Walking Pneumonia. It sounds more dramatic than it is - 3 days of antibiotics, an inhaler to help with the hacking cough, supplemented with dayquil/nightquil and advil....and rest, rest, rest.

I'm fortunate to have no intestinal distress, stomach issues or nausea. So that means I can effectively eat normally; however, when I am sick, I tend to want carbs. Not copious amounts, or inappropriate ones, but more than I'd usually want. So last night I made chicken noodle soup from scratch; today, I got some Tom Yum Gui while I waited for my RX but actually accepted the white rice...and so on. But my weight seems about the same (for this time of the month), and I'm not pigging out - it's just different. But it's ok, I'm not eating McDonald's or cupcakes; just finding I need (or want? or both...) a little more "white carbs" than normal.

Anyway, here's to wellness! And soon!


Angelyco said...

Hi Jenn!

I just finished reading your entire blog (took me about 3 days, starting with the oldest and working my way up) and I'm glad I stuck through to the end--I'm just starting the process of getting the Lap-Band and it's nice to see such a long timeline in an LB blog. I think you've done wonderfully and I still can't wrap my head around size 8 being "overweight." Keep up the good work and good luck at Yoga Teacher Training!

Peter said...

Hi, Jenn,

I can't find an email address for you on your page, so I guess I'll ask you here--knowing what you know now, would you recommend your surgeon to someone considering lapband sugery? Thanks!