Sunday, January 21, 2007


Hi everyone! First, I wanted to thank so many of you who have written such nice comments to me lately :) They make me smile, and also happy that I blog!

What do I have to report? Not too much, really. Still healing along - I'm allowed to work out (no impact) but have been going to the gym and doing stairs or elliptical or walking (outside) everyday. My weight is still where it was, but I have to be patient - I did have 13 pounds lobbed off, and then dropped another 4-5 during recovery - that's a good month's work. I just need to sit tight, but I'm anxious about the last 11 pounds...

I'm wearing 12's that are big on me, which is cool. I'm still swollen, but in a way that is normal and expected. I had to go to Portland for work and on the drive home I could feel myself swelling up! I got home and my loose jeans had become tight - so I'm trying to keep moving and yet, not overdo it...all in all though, I'm still kickin' along, getting my energy back, etc.

Last - can I rant? I yet again ran into someone who made the reference that people who lose weight without WLS "work their asses off to lose weight" as if we don't! GRrrrrrrr! Like, last time I checked, everyone I know who's had WLS has um, worked. Just a little bit. No? Really now...


Unknown said...

Ignore the "haters" .. you know the real deal.. they can't even imagine what you've gone through. Imagine yourself poking that peron's eyes out! ha :)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you need to do some work on that...because if you didn't have some button to push or in some corner of your mind believe it just a little bit you would blow off the comment and come back with a casual remark about how that's not true with a few pointed examples to back it up all the work you've done...

Jenn said...

hey anonymous,

i'll give you that. you're right! i think the thing is, on many levels, often the people who say these things remind me of myself in a 'former life' - when i was terrified of WLS, and wanted to believe the tough ones (me being one of 'em) could accomplish anything! and for me, that turned out not to be the case - and though I'm fine with that, it does push a button in me from that time when i was coming at it all from a place of fear, denial and self-loathing. and perhaps, yeah, i wish deep down i could've done this without WLS.and even with WLS, i've gotten my ass kicked!

that all said, i think it's always painful to be misunderstood - simply having someone not willing/interested in actually acknowledging another's experience sucks...but when they outright invalidate your experience, it's bound to push a button (or 3 ;)

i think in this case it's a mix of 'my stuff' and my general frustration with people who aren't open to seeing another point of view. in this case, anyone who knows me (myself included) knows having a lap-band doesn't mean you get it for free - it's a shitload of work.

That all said - my bottom line is this: Point taken, i'm always willing to re-examine myself and my notions, so thanks for calling it out.
