Thursday, August 17, 2006

Little Jenny Goes for a Run

So, I did it.

Last weekend, I got the shoes and the bra of steel.

Yesterday, I got the new Motor CD I was waiting for (if you at all like electronic/funk, and buy one album this year like that, this should be it). If you have iTunes, give it a listen. Fabulous workout beat.

So this morning, I went for a run.

Yep! A RUN. I went 27 minutes before my body said, "done" and I just stopped, walked a bit, and then ran the last 3 minutes home for a round 30 minutes of running, 20 of walking. I love running, and I'd forgotten how much - especially the part before it becomes hard :) The first 20 minutes were pure bliss! The last 7 I was really pushing. But that will change and improve in time. I'm not looking to bust out on the marathon course or anything, but 2 or 3 days a week, especially until I'm done losing - and then after more for stress and endophines - will do just fine.

Jenn is running. Holy crap. My scale shows me around 181. That's good too!! I can't wait until a 179.? shows up...I'd take a photo, but even though my camera is small, it will make the weight go up!


Anonymous said...

Ya know- I've been thinking of taking up running again. I used to do it in my smaller days, and now that I'm getting back to my smaller days- I think "why not?"

Hmmmm- you're giving me something to think about!

Keep up the great work. I haven't been by in a while (working and living life and all that), and am amazed at your progress. Great job!

Serena said...

Wow good for you. Keep it up.

Jill said...

Bless your heart! I will only run for my life even though I am supposed to run in the Y-Me race next Mother's Day! I need to giddy up on my training! :)

Send some of your motivation my way.

Sam said...

Wow, amazing. I *wish* I could run and maybe after I get my band I will..we can run together! Oh, and I have a date with Dr.Landerholm--the 11th of next month! Sam